The International Integration and Correlation of the Eurasian and American Continents in the XXI century
(Project "The Great Crossing of the Continents")
The author of the project conception - the president of the international association "Along the Routes of the great Migrations of Mankind" under aegis of the UNESCO - academician Pyurveyev Djangar Badmayevich.
The mankind enters the XXI century on Earth. This is another historical boundary, which we had a great amount during the human civilization development. This way led a human civilization either to the highest tops of creation or to abyss of destruction, each time pushing us to choose - do good or bad on Earth. By a brief analysis of that route through the main events of mankind development for these two millenniums we can imagine what number of social, materialistic, technical, scientific values we have earned by the XXI century:
• social systems such as State, Empire or other forms of ethnic societies, social settings were gradually formed by the beginning of the XX-th century into two relatively opposite systems (due to their ideology) - so called material philosophic illusions: Good and Bad. However, these mankind's illusions were ruined at the end of the XX-th century. The present generation is an alive witness of it. Now they're no alternatives to a new social order of the mankind on Earth.
• materialization of knowledge and opportunities of mankind (in form of scientific-technical inventions) achieved an enormous level by the end of the twentieth century.
Such scientific-technical achievements as Space, thermo-nuclear and other hi-tec's let human reach any idea from flights to planets to destruction / termination of the entire life on Earth, i.e. do Good and Bad. And here humanity does not have an alternative.
The basis of Mankind consciousness world outlook on Earth, its spirituality -all of it was developing gradually, on religious, moral beginnings of every ethnosis. There was an absolute belief in the highest divine principle that formed the moral base of life on Earth for centuries. This foundation was loosen by atheism which gave another direction to the constant struggle between Good and Bad. No doubt. Mankind needs spirituality.
So the process of mankind forming on Earth (as a part of Nature), its social and material-technical foundation, world outlook are results of direct understanding and human actions in frames of human egocentrism. The further look from these limited positions of human future (for XX-th century) becomes almost non-perspective. That's why all religions on Earth foreseeing deadlock of development of civilization as a result of human egocentrism, interpret this limitation from the divine "angle", warning mankind about a menace apocalypses at the end of the century.
Such situation came into life between XX and XXI centuries. This edge is very special for mankind and not only because of a new change of ages on Earth, but also because it is a start finding a way out of the known deadlock, connected with scientific practical methods of leaving Earth by man. By the way, this event roughly changes
The International Integration and Correlation of the Eurasian and American Continents in the XXI century
(Project "The Great Crossing of the Continents")
The author of the project conception - the president of the international association "Along the Routes of the great Migrations of Mankind" under aegis of the UNESCO - academician Pyurveyev Djangar Badmayevich.
The mankind enters the XXI century on Earth. This is another historical boundary, which we had a great amount during the human civilization development. This way led a human civilization either to the highest tops of creation or to abyss of destruction, each time pushing us to choose - do good or bad on Earth. By a brief analysis of that route through the main events of mankind development for these two millenniums we can imagine what number of social, materialistic, technical, scientific values we have earned by the XXI century:
• social systems such as State, Empire or other forms of ethnic societies, social settings were gradually formed by the beginning of the XX-th century into two relatively opposite systems (due to their ideology) - so called material philosophic illusions: Good and Bad. However, these mankind's illusions were ruined at the end of the XX-th century. The present generation is an alive witness of it. Now they're no alternatives to a new social order of the mankind on Earth.
• materialization of knowledge and opportunities of mankind (in form of scientific-technical inventions) achieved an enormous level by the end of the twentieth century.
Such scientific-technical achievements as Space, thermo-nuclear and other hi-tec's let human reach any idea from flights to planets to destruction / termination of the entire life on Earth, i.e. do Good and Bad. And here humanity does not have an alternative.
The basis of Mankind consciousness world outlook on Earth, its spirituality -all of it was developing gradually, on religious, moral beginnings of every ethnosis. There was an absolute belief in the highest divine principle that formed the moral base of life on Earth for centuries. This foundation was loosen by atheism which gave another direction to the constant struggle between Good and Bad. No doubt. Mankind needs spirituality.
So the process of mankind forming on Earth (as a part of Nature), its social and material-technical foundation, world outlook are results of direct understanding and human actions in frames of human egocentrism. The further look from these limited positions of human future (for XX-th century) becomes almost non-perspective. That's why all religions on Earth foreseeing deadlock of development of civilization as a result of human egocentrism, interpret this limitation from the divine "angle", warning mankind about a menace apocalypses at the end of the century.
Such situation came into life between XX and XXI centuries. This edge is very special for mankind and not only because of a new change of ages on Earth, but also because it is a start finding a way out of the known deadlock, connected with scientific practical methods of leaving Earth by man. By the way, this event roughly changes
human's consciousness and his further activities on Earth. But most people do not realize the importance of the event under the cover of routine. "From stereotype of Earth thinking limits based on human egocentrism - to a new cosmic understanding which is based on our Space view, i.e. realizing Earth and ourselves as a part of the Universe" that is how we can call the present stair that will lead to essential changes at human world outlook in social, ecological, religious, industrial and other forms and methods of the further way of life on the "XXI-Th Earth".
The humanity can start solving this cardinal question now just together when everyone will feel his responsibility and necessity because each man or woman from any continent of Earth (in its variable geographical and climate conditions) is a member of one huge united family, all of us are brothers and sisters, ancient or new branches of one single life tree, and the great migration processes, which ever happened on Earth, connect gradually all human beings and the continents with visible and invisible ethnic, cosmic, economical threads. And all of these can be poured into one only dear name for everyone - Earth man. No matter a man lives: in a noisy European city or small Asian village, in a steel-made American scraper or a felt -made Mongolian yourta (nomad's tent) or any other settled area on Earth - everywhere the man imagines a cozy home of the planet Earth.
In this very way the forecasts of the further development of countries, regions, continents of Earth in the XXI century have to take into consideration not just scientific technical potential and the planet's ecology, but also a geopolitical strategy and special features of their territories' development.
It is proved by international scientific-historical research works (especially the archaeological data from Alaska, Canada, Russia, China, Mongolia, Central Asia) that the migration to the American continent and back started at least since the Low Paleolit (19-20 thousand years B.C.), when ancient people began migrating from the north-eastern part of Asia through the Bering Bridge to North America. Those were protomongoloid and prototurkish tribes that adapted gradually to the severe Arctic climate.
In search of deep historical and cultural united roots of nations in Asia and America it is very important to fulfil further complex research in order to use its results for constant uniting of the nations, their ecological, cultural integrity, their knowledge for mankind's survival, because all people are the same in their migrations ever happened on the planet because of different causes, connect the entire mankind and all the continents on our planet with visible and invisible threads. The migrations played a very unique important role in World history: they served as powerful catalysis in culture and civilization development, they were main impulses of evolution along with diffusion and convergation.
The forming of the ancient Central Asian and North American population owes a lot to the migration. As. we have said earlier, the archaeological documents let define clearly the directions of Pateolit hunters' migrations from Central Asia (Mongolia) through the territory-of North Asia and so-called "dry-way bridge" (ancient Beringia) that connected Asia and America (Alaska) in plastoscene. There are branches of this route spreading from China to the Korean peninsula, from there to the Far East, Sakhalin and the JapaneseJsles.
The Great Sttk Way^ which lied in mountains, forests, water obstacles and deserts since ancient times, cowteefead^eographical space from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans tying together trade, economical, business, cultural co-operation of different parts of Europe, countries ofthe^rient: Egypt, Assiry, Shumer, Urarta, Finikia, i
Eurasian main land to the American one vertically. This action completes the planet's integration with this "crossing", which can be called "a new Silk way" of the third millennium. Here at the center of the crossing two lines (horizontal from East to West and vertical from South to North) there's Eurasia with its wide Siberian, Middle Asian, Central Asian and other regions. This opens to the countries of Eurasia (Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgisstan, China etc.) absolutely new horizons and strategy of development with integration to the American continent.
The epicenter of the crossing occupies almost all the countries and regions of the Eurasian continent. At once it connects the knot of the Afro-Asian continent in its southern end. In its northern direction - the symbiosis of the American continent's countries. The width of the infrastructure takes up more than 100-1500 km along the high way becoming an important mechanism of harmonization of social-economic relations for the entire planet uniting branches of the Western and Eastern hemispheres.
The project "the great crossing of the continents" program takes the regions with more than % of the entire planet's population and the regions that contain more than a half of the wold's mineral resources. The average life level in these countries is rather lower than the one of the industrially developed countries, which causes social instability that leads to the world's intensity. Complex solution of the named problems by the project "the great crossing of the Continents" opens new ways to the third millennium to the mankind.
The USA, countries of Latin America, Canada, countries of the Eurasian region: Russia, Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgisstan, also south-eastern Asia, Near East, north-eastern Africa - these are the countries that lie on the axis of the program "the great crossing of the Continents". Each of the countries receives new impulses for solving its internal problems and the perspectives for development its external connections at this program realization.
The realization of the project has three levels: intercontinental (common vision of Eurasian and American continents), regional (both continents separately), national (programs of certain countries, in particular - Russia)
So, the United States of America, Canada and the countries of Latin America will approach to the Eurasian region economically. Alaska, the USA, Canada will receive a direct way for their production and technology to the territory of Russia, further to China, countries of southeastern countries. At the same time they will gain a stable long-term profitable access to the Siberian resources. The expected planet's warming will free the southern part of the Arctic Ocean from ice that will make the region more perspective for the economical development.
For financial structures of the USA this program is an opportunity for investing dollars to not in a war but to the economically perspective project "the great crossing of the continents", that will put away for later the expected collapse of a dollar. Besides, taking part in the political economical processes of this region is a rather good perspective. The close economical connections with Eurasia will ease the American military pressure that would lead to common "warming" in global politics.
Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgisstan, Mongolia, China and other Eurasia's countries will receive access to hi-tech and world's market for all types of their production as in Europe and Asia, as in the American continent. This will reanimate economical cooperation between the newly independent countries (NIS). It will positively influence present ethnic misunderstanding.
The countries of the Eurasian region enter the XXI century with unfinished and rich potential of the energetic resources. At this point of view the energetic resources of Siberia, Middle and Central Asia, i.e. the main energy sources of the continent represent a great perspective for the economics of local countries in the XXI century and powerful geopolitical development. If the present economically developed countries of America and Asia earned their industrial potential mostly on the resources of the Near East, then now developing countries as China, India, Japan, that are already used to the Near East's resources, start thinking about this idea. The future end of their own resources or even the lack of them make such powerful counties as Japan, China, India, Malaysia think of using them through the cooperation with other countries and search for new alternative technological substitution.
China will feel the lack of the fuel resources because of the demographic boom and a rise of industry in the first quarter of the XXI century. By the year of 2010 China will need 13-14% of all the world's oil. Same problems are before India. This will lead to a severe competition for the Near East's resources; it could be "a fleet battle". For example, not having an opportunity to pay for getting more and more expensive oil, China will present an ultimatum: it and other countries have rights on a certain part of the Near East's resources. China will insist on Vietnam's refusing the claims for the rich with oil Siratly isles in the South-Korean Sea.
At the same time Japan's economy stagnates without fuel: plants stop, prices rise, transport stops. The country would have to give up and agree to pay China for buying Near East's oil.
Meanwhile, China builds giant electric stations, according to Japanese specialists, enormous China will pollute the planets ecology. That is why Japanese specialists advised its government to pay attention to the Eurasian deposits. As they say, "just giant resources will feed energetic famine of China, will stop its aggressiveness. Only Russian resources can make Beijing refuse from using coal. Without them China will turn into the origin of ecological danger for the entire planet.
The Asian Pacific region outside the Eurasian continent has already lost its fuel resources. Indonesia used to be rich, but now it becomes an importer of fuel itself. Brunei's reserves are enough for sultan's existence but they cannot solve problems of the whole region.
Japan has energy supply problems as well: the country's dependence from the Near East's import reached 80%. Also Japan is obliged to cut 6% of atmosphere pollution with COs and other gas which extremely hard to do at the same level of oil burning. There are few answers and the most important one is uncalled reserves of ecologically clean natural gas in Russian Siberia, one of the most perspective Eurasia's region. In Japan there is conception of so-called Asian energetic society, that suggests construction of a complicated web of pipelines from the Eurasian region (Russia and former Soviet Middle Asia).
India, Pakistan, Iran, Arabian countries, Egypt will get a chance to join a leading group of the world economics. The countries of Europe and America will support integration processes thorough that transcontinental high way.
The program "great crossing of the continents" is planned this way on mutually advantageous conditions for all the interested countries and regions which is % planet's population.
For China it is stable provision with fuel and mineral resources. For other countries - participation and getting into infrastructure of the Eurasian continent.
For the Chinese side the most important problem is getting fuel resources and hi-tech for employment of the country's north.
Including China to the program "great crossing of the continents" automatically solves this problem. Rich with hydro-energy Siberia and Eastern Russia, Russia's high technology and China's infrastructure providing of the high way are a part of mutually profitable cooperation between Russia and China, taking away territorial misunderstanding for years.
Good neighborhood example of three great countries: the USA, Russia and China) will open a new page of cooperation in XXI century on the global level.
For Russia - it is the beginning of teleological development of infrastructure. The half of the project's axis will go along Russia's territory. More than 70% of Russian territory is eternal frost. International cooperation and mutually profitable participation and help of other participants will help Russia in complex development of the territories.
Solutions of the social economic questions of Russia northeast is preventing the federation's falling apart. Including of the Russian project region into the perspective plans of neighbor countries will eventually rise life level of every participant promoting revival of cultural traditions, arts, and trade
Transport question of the high way in the project "great crossing of the continents" has several variants. It is river, sea, and automobile, airways and new technical decisions that haven't entered engineering practice.
The transport axis of the high way will be railway, auto-, air- ways. There will be being constructed infrastructure of the project 500-700 km both directions, solving the problem of 30 million people unemployment. This will be the first action of the program lessening social intensity.
Perhaps, due to the numeral scale of the program's territory and solving of accompanying problems this program can become one of the strategically important programs for output from Russia's social economic crisis.
The project "the great crossing of the continents" is a revival and comprehensive social economic development of all the regions of Russia, especially its northern and northeastern parts. Most advanced scientific decisions will improve life ways efficiently, at the same time supporting potentials of Russian military industry and regional industrial projects as "climatic air dam", "ecological buildings", and «transport XXI"..
Yakutia's resources and industrial base of Far East, Siberia and high intellectual labor resources are enough position for a successful start of the project.
Among many prime tasks there is one for making clear for the society the clear idea of the program (action-results-terms). That will put away unnecessary discussions and will let use main powers for the realization of the practical steps of the Program.
The primary construction of program's small districts will give an important argument of confidence in the final successful fulfilling of the Project.
At the present time the International cultural ecological expedition "Along the Routes of Great Migrations of Mankind" under the aegis of UNESCO goes on to the American continent after giving start to the idea of Eurasian and American continents integration in XXI century. The main idea of the expedition is what the mankind enters XXI century.
Visiting different countries, the heads of States, heads of confessions, outstanding persons of the planet sign under the idea of expedition carrying cosmic
ideas. By now the expedition's banner has been signed be the Presidents of Russia, India, Nepal, Mongolia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgisstan etc., by heads of confessions - Dalai-Lama XIV, John Paul II, by the Moslem leader of Russia Hadja Talgat, leader of Judaism of Russia - Adolf Shaevich, and world people S.N. Rerikh, L.N. Gumilev, Ch. Aitmatov, 0. Suleimenov, V. Kaznacheev; astronauts G. Grechko, A. Aubakirov (Kazakhstan), S. Shirma (India), Gurragacha (Mongolia), E. Oldreen (The USA); director general UNESCO Mr. F. Mayor and many others. Forward to the American continent.
The author of the conception Academician D.B. Pyurveev Moscow 2003.