Sponsor package

The international Association “Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind” starts the second stage of the Transcontinental international cultural ecological expedition under the aegis of the UNESCO in the American continent in December 2004.

The expedition will have approximately twenty participants, and its duration will be of approximately four months. The route will cover 35,000 km through the American continent: Anchorage, Alaska in the USA; Vancouver, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Canada; Chicago, Illinois, USA; Mexico City, Acapulco, Tustan-Gueteris, Mexico; Guatemala City, Guatemala; San Salvador, Managua, Nicaragua; San Jose, Costa Rica; Panama; Colombia; Ecuador; Lima; Peru; La Paz, Bolivia; Brazil; Montevideo, Uruguay; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Santiago, Chili.

The program suggests holding thematic international forums, festivals, seminars in the capitals of the countries included in the expedition’s route and at the same time organizing art exhibitions and concerts of world figures of culture and arts showing what creative potential energy the mankind owns entering the XXI century.

Tele-, radio-, video- broadcastings in each country and through the intervision for other countries are planned.

Leading people of culture, scientists, artists, astronauts, representatives of social and political elite and businessmen.

What do we offer to you?

We offer to take part in organization of the program and be a partner in mutually profitable business, unite needs of your company in wide advertisement of qualitative goods and service with culture, art and space theme’s opportunities in influencing a great mass of people. Our action urgency, its world resonance will always remind to people of continents the qualitative production of your company. That is why you are offered to become the Patron and a participant of this prestigious international Project.

Why is this action unique?

Social, political, economic and spiritual situation in some countries, including Russia, needs insistent interference of people of culture and art, social and political organization, businessmen as individually as through organized systems for the right development direction choice in XXI century and the III-d millennium.

The present Action will promote consolidation of ideas and experience analysis of other countries’ development for a proper choice for each country, including determination Russia’s way. It will also let define what material and spiritual values the country enters with to the XXI century and it will help a single person or organization to form country’s and world’s future.

Who are we?

The international Association “Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind” has been conducting from 1991 to the present the transcontinental cultural - ecological expedition of the same name under the aegis of UNESCO (UNESCO resolution No. 747, October 30, 1990). This expedition is part of the larger program ‘The Great Silk Road - the Way of Dialogue”, endorsed by the United Nations and UNESCO.

The expedition’s organizing staff is the International Association. Since 1991 the following Russian and international figures have been participating: J.B. Purveev, V.P. Kaznacheev, A.I. Vorobiov, G.M. Grechko, Thor Heyerdahl, Ch.T. Aytmatov, S.N. Roerich, V.P. Koloshenko, T. Severin, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Lev Gumilev, O.O. Suleymenov, R.S Vasilyevsky, E. Aldrin, S.S. Ozegov, B.A. Ibraev, Sh. Bira, B. Nidner, L.V. Shaposhnikova, D.S. Strebkov, S. Donchev, P. Gonzalez and others. In 1992-1995 the first stage of the expedition “Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind” under the aegis of the UNESCO was held along the route – countries of the Eurasian Continent (India, Nepal, China, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, republics and regions of Russia – Kalmykia, Buryatia, Gorny Altay, Sakha – Yakutia).

o        International forums, discussions, festivals, seminars devoted to problems of Earth and mankind evolution were held in Delhi (India), Katmandu (Nepal), Ulan-Bator (Mongolia), Urumchi (China), Moscow, Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Elista (Russia), Ulan-Ude (Buryatia), Irkutsk, Gorno-Altaisk, Yakutsk (Yakutia), Chukotka in 1992-1995.

o        6 photo and art exhibitions under the theme “Earth’s image” and ”Universe” were shown in Delhi, Katmandu, Moscow, Elista, Ulan-Ude, Ulan-Bator (1992-1998).

o        International meeting together with Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Science on problems of Biosphere (1992) “Space and ecology”; UNESCO received the expedition 1st stage report.

o        The expedition members met and talked to the heads of world religious confessions: Dalai-Lama XIV, Pope of Rome John Paul II, Muslim leader Hazrat Talgat Hodja, ravin Adolf Shaevich. The expedition’s banner “Good wishes to the people of Earth” was signed by the Presidents of India, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Lithuania, former USSR, by king of Nepal, UNESCO Director General and outstanding people of our planet, scientists, astronauts.

The International Association co-operates with more than 180 regions, countries, cities, persons and organizations of the world.

May 14, 1999 – UNESCO Director General Dr. Frederico Mayor signed the expedition’s banner, this event signified the beginning of the 2-d expedition’s stage.

What you will get co-operating with us

International Association “Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind” keeps a clear principle:

We consider Patrons are direct participants of creative process and are our partners in mutually profitable business.

o        You will have your symbols and trade marks on the expedition vehicles; participation in special actions Promotion, Public Relations.

o        Placing of name and logo of Patron at the expedition’s commercial.

o        International association “PVMCh” started wide advertising campaign in mass media introducing the project to mass people.

o        Advertising campaign covers TV, radio, paper press, and means of external and internal commercial. Patrons are given a priority attention, which they get according to their contribution.

o        Patron will be given all opportunities for the demonstration of own name or production during the expedition; signs of honor and expedition’s symbols are provided.

o        The creative journalist contest for the best publication about the Action and its Patrons (in that case patron has to provide a special prize).

o        Organizing special Patron’s presentations in prestigious halls and clubs of Moscow and other capitals and cities.

o        Placement of logo and commercial production during press conferences.

o        Compulsory Patron’s presence in press conferences and an individual interview.

Patrons can have a part from possible profit in case of realization and selling the following:

o        series of documentary video films and cinema,

o        albums, cards, calendars;

o        adjusted issue of souvenirs, badges;

o        issue of specialized thematic newspapers and journals;

o        drawing up agreements for investments “expedition’s portfolio”

o        rendering intermediary services

Patrons, sponsors of the expedition are afforded a wide and diverse opportunity of getting a world-wide level of advertisement and popularization, a wide access to world’s mass media, contacts with “stars” of culture and science which names are connected with our expedition, continent’s government and business.

We offer to Patrons a complex service “Service-VIP”. It is set for highlighting our respect to the Patrons, for expressing an international civil position and for demonstrating role of each one in the cultural program. The service VIP includes: VIP accompaniment (security service), VIP- Bar, memorable photos with astronauts, “stars” of art, culture and science, presidents, prime-ministers, ministers, governors, mayors and others.

How to become a Patron?

We offer to choose a form of your participating in the Expedition. The sum of your donation, along with our thanks, will define a volume of our return services.

Exclusive Patron

(in this case there are no other large patrons)

Donation from $ 2 400 000 (USD)

The sum covers almost whole expedition’s budget. In response: all type of advertising commercial services, your information is printed in head lines of posters as of a main expedition’s organizer. You are honored to sign the Honorable Banner near the signatures of Presidents and other grate people of the planet, a right to participate in all expedition’s stages and actions; photos signed by the Great people are provided.

General Patron

Donation from $ 1 200 000 (USD) includes advertising commercial services, priority logo placement on vehicles, in patrons’ list, in TV titles; also you get a right of signing the expedition’s banner.

Main Patron

Donation from $ 600 000 (USD) takes the second place in all advertising and informational materials and actions. You get a right to sign the Banner.

Official Patron or Carrier

Donation $ 300 000 (USD) takes the third place in all advertising campaigns and expedition’s actions. You get a right of signing the Honorable Banner.

Patrons and Supporting Companies

These are all patrons and companies in one or another measure supporting the expedition by their donations or services, including: paying living expenses, catering, auto technical service, etc. Also informational sponsors – TV channels, radio stations, other mass media, security agencies, etc. All get rights to sign the Honorable Banner.

General Information Sponsor

TV companies that get exclusive right of expedition’s broadcasting in exchange for advertisement of its patrons and sponsors. The right of signing is provided.

Despite the amount of charity donation, the International Association “Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind” highly appreciates contribution of every participant that will support the International cultural ecological expedition “Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind” under the aegis of the UNESCO in any convenient and affordable form.



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Jungar Purveev,


International Association

“Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind”


Tel.: (7-095) 930-6556

e-mail: jungar@narod.ru , body@ipu.rssi. ru


http: //jungar.narod.ru

http: //www.skynary.com/jangar1

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