The Expeditions Program on the route

The whole length of the route is 35.000 km through the territory of North and South America. The main body of the expedition is 20 people.

The Second stage of the Expedition starts in December 2004, its route goes through the following countries of the American continent: Alaska (the USA), Canada, the United States of America, Mexico, Guatemala, San-Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa-Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chili. The part of the route through Alaska, Canada, the USA and Mexico is planned to go by air during December. Starting from Mexico-city, Mexico, the expedition continues the route on countries of Latin America till the Burning Land, using 7 trucks (off road vehicles) for 3 months.

In Montreal, Chicago, Mexico-city, San-Paulo, Buenos-Aires, and Santiago (Valparaiso) there will be organized so-called round tables, forums, conferences.

The beginning of the Second stage is December 2004; the end is April 2005.

The culture and sociology

The role of migrations in world history as a development catalyst of cultures and civilizations and main impulses of the Evolution. The ways of migrations and cultural contacts in ancient times in Central, Eastern, Northern Asia and North America. Ethnogenesis and Culture. History, cultural originality and intercoupling of nations settling the continents in collation. New technologies for saving and maintaining cultural values of the humanity. Concerts of folk- lore bands, fine art and photo exhibitions. Business meetings.

The place of the Forum: Montreal, Canada, 2004.

The economy and producing

The continents resources (mining and conversion). Industry. New social and producing technologies. Space technologies and their development perspectives.

The problems of Earths energy, condition and perspectives. Electronics (computers, technological management systems, microelectronics). Business and trade relations. Banks and finance. Enterprise funds. Middle and small business problems. Project financing. Business meeting organizing, making contacts, deals, looking at perspective projects.

Place of the conference: Chicago, USA, 2005.

Ecology and Space

Consequences of ecological changes because of the antropogenius (human) activity. Ways of ecology reconstruction and filling the natural resources. Space technologies in analysis and studying of Earths ecology situation. The Space ecology and ozone hole. Earths evolution of mankind and cosmogony problems. Planets intellect: ego cosmo- planet stream. Peoples and nature using technologies. World picture and astrologic knowledge in traditional cultures of different peoples. Astrology and Space cognition. UFO and far connection. UFO phenomenon, its studying together with the problem of human survival. Business meetings with astronauts and public in field of ecology and space. Perspective projects familiarization. Making deals, contracts and agreements of cooperation. Thematic exhibition.

The place: Mexico-city, Mexico, 2005.

Human phenomenon and medical and biological aspects

Streams of all human intellect on Earth. Birth of the mankind survival preventive ecology. Outer world perception stereotypes in case of two cultures contact. Traditional medicine experience and rational ways for using and forming a sound way of life. The evaluation of distant informational interactions in nature in part with a human unveiling psychophysical human reserves. Functional brain asymmetry and principles of their reflection in culture, system aspects of human adaptation; analysis of intersystem relationships and individual types of adaptive behavior. Discovery of optimal variants of behavior and life strategy and tactics in closed collective working in extreme natural conditions (desert, mountains, taiga, and high widths). Use of traditional medicine of peoples, human health condition monitoring. Business contact. Testing and advancement of medical and biological equipment, special literature spreading. Entering into agreements, signing contracts of cooperation.

Place: Buenos-Aires, Argentina, 2005.

Lady 21.

According to the program of the International Transcontinental cultural ecological expedition Along the routes of great migrations of mankind under the aegis of the UNESCO there will be organized forums, conferences, discussions with outstanding people in the cities where the route lies in.

In Chili (city of Valparaiso) there will be held Forum Lady-21, the place where outstanding women of the planet and the continent will gather in commemoration of the beginning of new millennium. The golden knot of happiness and honorable green branch of a planet inhabitant will be delivered to them. 21 outstanding women of the planet (queen of the United Kingdom Elizabeth II, queen of the Netherlands Beatrice, queen Spain, Margaret Thatcher, Valentina Tereshkova.and others.

Place: Valparaiso, Chili, 2005.

Hosted by uCoz