Dear friends!
Dear Heads of the Corporations!
Dear private persons!
All who wish to participate in the outrageous project or simply do something great ! !
The international Association “Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind” has been conducting since 1990 to the present the transcontinental cultural - ecological expedition of the same name under the aegis of UNESCO (UNESCO resolution No. 747, October 30, 1990). This expedition is part of the larger program ‘The Great Silk Road - the Way of Dialogue”, endorsed by the United Nations and UNESCO.
The expedition began in 1992 and finished its first stage in 1999. The Eurasian sector of the expedition’s route has been completed. We have gone through Nepal, India, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. The expedition has reached the Bering Strait. Its aim is to draw together views on what values mankind holds entering the XXI century and the new millennium, and what are the forecasts for mankind’s development in this new era.
The scientific fundament of our many years’ expedition is Conception of Great Migrations (millenniums ago) of paleoasiatic nations from Eurasian continent to North America and further down to the South. The general route of the peoples passed through the istmus from Chukotka (now - Russia) to the Alaska (now -USA), i.e. by beans of crossing today’s Strait of Bering. If the Great Silk Way of some 10-12 centuries ago tied East and West civilizations horizontally, our planned TransAmericas expedition (Alaska - the Fire Land) will scientifically tie North and South of the Globe along its vertical line, of course, on the up-to-date scientific and technical level. By the Great Cross of the continents will be finished the integration of the planet in the XXI century.
Many outstanding people on this planet supported the first stage of the expedition, including the heads of sate of nations through which the route of the expedition passed. These leaders signed the expedition’s banner with “good wishes for the people of the Earth”. Among others who signed the Banner are the world’s religious leaders and public figures such as Svyatoslav Roerich, Thor Heyerdahl, Chingiz Aytmatov, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Lev Gumilev, Fedor Konyukhov, Oljas Suleymenov, Georgiy Grechko, Edwin Aldrin and others.
Dr. Frederico Mayor, Director General of UNESCO, signed the expedition’s banner on May 14, 1999, which marked the start of the expeditions second stage. Its beginning is planned for December 1, 2004. The expedition will have approximately twenty participants, and its duration will be of approximately four months. The rout will cover 35,000 km through the American continent: Anchorage, Alaska in the USA; Vancouver, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Canada; Chicago, Illinois, USA; Mexico City, Acapulco, Tustan-Gueteris, Mexico; Guatemala City, Guatemala; San Salvador, Managua, Nicaragua; San Jose, Costa Rica; Panama; Colombia; Ecuador; Lima; Peru; La Paz, Bolivia; Brazil; Montevideo, Uruguay; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Santiago, Chili.
Part of the foundation of the Program of the second stage is the international project “Magical America”, whose aim is to discover the natural wonders of the continent and the traditional wisdom of its people.
The twenty members of the expedition represent scientists and scholars from around the world. They include the astronauts Valentina Tereshkova, and Georgiy Grechko from Russia and Edwin Aldrin from the USA, the sociologists D. Totoro and P. Gonzalez of Chili, the explorer Thor Heyerdahl, Norway, the scientist T. Severin of the UK, the academicians V. Kaznacheev, A. Vorobyov and J. Purveev from Russia, and a group of international journalists.
The main body of the expedition plans to fly from Alaska through Canada and the US mainland to Mexico in a month; from there they will follow a three-month route through Central and South America on seven land vehicles. Along our route in the capitals of the Americas, we will conduct issue seminars, conferences and forums, and will present our banner to be signed by the presidents of the countries through which the expedition will pass.
We would be glad to welcome your participation in the Expedition in whatever form you wish share:
along the various stages of the expedition. This would allow you to become the Expedition honorable member or its active participant and broaden your experience via interactive communication with great people of the planet as well as providing you with an opportunity to further establish business relationships with various companies.
We are convinced that your participation in supporting the expedition would have the wide and grateful repercussion and public response not only on the American and Eurasian continents but throughout the whole World … and would further the business and professional growth of your authority and CNN prestige.
Respectfully yours,
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Jungar Purveev,
International Association
“Along the Routes of the Great Migrations of Mankind”
Tel.: (7-095) 930-65-56 ,