International transcontinental cultural ecological expedition

Along the Routes of Great Migrations of Mankind under the aegis of the UNESCO

We are going to test the durability of your medical equipment, cars and trucks and even helicopters, sport equipment and implements

Our expedition will test everything you wish

We are going to carry your advertisement through the entire planet, throughout all continents!

Transcontinental expedition is:

For the first time in the world science practice there is an international research of the routes of the most ancient people migration in Asian and American continents.

Scientific world is devoted to figure out common principles of the richest distinctive experience of each nation to preserve human culture and planets nature.

Transcontinental expedition

We will have different specialists: anthropologists, doctors, culture scholars, geographers, astronauts, and even clergymen.

Transcontinental expedition is:

Equipped with modern technical and transport means and is hooked with the largest broadcasting companies and other mass-media.

Transcontinental expedition guarantees:

Global scientific research and cultural significance of this action.

The expeditions route started in May 1992 in Nepal from the foothills of the Himalayas and climbing Everest by a world known traveler Feudor Konyukhov, who read the Good wishes to the Future under the aegis of the UNESCO that was signed by the presidents of many countries: Russia, India, Nepal, Mongolia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and leaders of Churches Dalai-Lama XXI-th, the Pope of Rome John Paul II and outstanding figures Rerich, Gumilev, Aitmatov and astronauts Grechko, Sharma, Oldreen, and by the director General of the UNESCO Frederico Mayor.

The expedition works! It Works in the name of the Future of the Mankind!

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